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Health Benefits of Coconut Oil on Skin and Hair

                              Health Benefits of Coconut Oil               Health Benefits of Coconut Oil on Skin and Hair Have you known about coconut oil yet? Individuals can add coconut oil to their eating routine and obtain astounding outcomes. They shed pounds, acquired energy, and became better. Coconut oil is protected to utilize and doesn't change over into fat in your body. It invigorates digestion, so you consume more fat and have more energy. It doesn't raise your cholesterol, yet it really helps lower it. Coconut oil is an astonishing food supplement for nearly everybody. Coconut oil is loaded with medical advantages. Close to mother's milk, it is an extremely typical wellspring of medium-chain unsaturated fats (MTCs), incrementing the body's digestion and prompting weight reduction. It contains unsaturated fats, such as lauric corrosive, and monoglycerides, like bosom milk. When lauric corrosive is ingested in bosom milk or coconut oil, it creates antibod

Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine Help Stroke Patients


Scientists are now fascinated by the ancient therapies that can help patients with strokes return to normal. NeuroAidTM was historically established in China as a traditional Chinese medicine to help stroke patients find better rehabilitation.

Moleac, a biopharmaceutical company, brings NeuroAid to western medicine worldwide and ensures that it meets the standards of western medicine to care for the needs of those suffering from stroke: NeuroAid supports them for their benefit.

Researchers from the University School of Health Professions and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) have developed technologies to help stroke patients to re-learn movement, and locals are invited to participate in the trials.


Stroke is the first major cause of disability in the United States. Stroke is the third main cause of death in the USA. Stroke is considered to be the third leading cause of death in the world and is the leading cause of disability and dependence on the elderly.

Stroke has a greater impact on disability than any other health condition. A stroke-related deficit is worse than about one-third of survivors and is moderate or mild to two-thirds of the survivors. Side patients have been shown to achieve greater low-intensity tasks and heart rate and blood pressure responses than control subjects during continuous exercise testing to general fatigue.

Patients with a stroke usually experience a most remarkable recovery in the first 30 days but may continue to progress gradually over months. The first dose of Moleac treatment is Neuropaid, the first drug that can help patients recover faster from their disability.


Patients experience physical and other problems, such as loss of memory, vision, spot awareness, and mobility due to their disability. Patients may find that they can no longer understand written words, can no longer pronounce words, or can say many words but fail to convey their intended meanings.

Patients in the study were given 10 weeks of treatment, during which the affected arm was forced to use their affected arm to perform daily activities. Patients then engage in repetitive daily activities and a behavioral training session, which includes training in activities such as locking the door, turning the door handle, or pouring a drink.

Patients using simulation training were more likely to both pass the pilot test and maintain the level of competence gained in the training. NeuroAidhas has shown efficacy in patients with a stroke for the past 6 months and has resulted in the loss of motor function or independence.


New ways to accelerate recovery will have a significant impact on affected people and the cost of providing long-term treatment, support, and care.

Now MIT pioneers in the field of robotic medicine hope that a fully functional robotic gym-oriented vehicle will greatly improve the movement of patients with strokes on their arms, wrists, hands, legs, and ankles.

In the first clinical trial, researchers found that stroke patients who use a machine four to five hours a week improve continuously and rapidly,

as measured by the growth rate of the paralyzed organ, there is a second group of patients who did not receive robotic-assisted treatment. “We look forward to working well because, in the long run, we can - we can do some robot treatment instead of asking someone to call a medical center.


To recover and move after a stroke, 150,000 Chinese have used leech and scorpion extract says Singapore-based manufacturer Moleac.

The Use of Chinese Medicine for Lyme Disease

A lot of Chinese herbs can be helpful in many different aspects of Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is an infectious disease caused by spirochetal bacteria, Borrelia Burgdorferi. It is mostly caused by a tick bite. The incidence of this disease is very high in the northeastern United States, but there have been cases of the disease in all less than 48 states. The disease is easy to treat with antibiotics in its early stages, but it is usually not diagnosed immediately. There is a bulge in the eye which is a symptom of the disease, but most people do not get the rash. The rash appears to be different for people with dark skin, which makes it easier to accidentally pick up on other skin conditions, including bruises or eczema. The variety of symptoms a person may have in the later stages makes it difficult to get a proper diagnosis, and the medical diagnosis of the disease is not yet very accurate in most cases.

People with recent stages of Lyme need treatment at many different levels. At a basic level, antimicrobials, especially against spirochetal bacteria, are an important part of treatment. Herbs that have been shown to have anti-spirochetal properties include Huang Lian, Andrographis, Isatis, Phellodendron, scute, forsythia, smilax, and gardenia. Garlic is a useful antibacterial supplement for those with Lyme Disease.

Lyme disease can lower body temperature and cause poor blood circulation. A person may also experience cysts, lumps, and swelling in various parts of his body that often change and move. The bacterium invigorates itself, creating an environment in which it can grow and prosper and the infected person ends up in severe pain, extremely low energy, and neurological problems. The disease thrives in low temperatures, low oxygen levels, and that is what we create in the body. People with this condition often have symptoms and signs similar to those of a person with severe elevation (which is also caused by low oxygen levels). Chinese herbs that lower blood pressure and break down blood pressure can be very helpful in this aspect of the disease. The remedy, pseudo ginseng (san qi), can be very beneficial for people with Lyme Disease. It promotes blood circulation and oxygen in the body and can force open cysts that protect germs from being killed. It can also help clear the other brain fats that people with the disease have by improving blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. Incense (ru xiang), as well as myrrh (mo yao) can also help to improve blood circulation, especially in the joints, where germs often hide in cartilaginous tissues where circulation tends to be poor. A common remedy for people with Lyme Disease, a teaspoon root, is beneficial because it improves blood circulation in the body and has a warming effect. All of these herbs can be very helpful with severe and chronic pain for those with the latest stages of Lyme disease in question.

Some Chinese herbs can be used to reduce cold sensitivity and improve microcirculation in the body. Herbs such as clove, cinnamon, ginger, and siegesbeckia may be helpful for this purpose.

The lymphatic system and metabolism are often at risk for people with Lyme Disease. Bacteria often hide inside the walls of white blood cells, and they cause inflammation and congestion of the lymph nodes. People with this condition often have symptoms of hypothyroidism and metabolic rate even though all their thyroid tests are normal. In Chinese medicine, herbal remedies for phlegm are often used for conditions associated with slow metabolism and tightness of the lymphatic system. Chinese herbs, prunella vulgaris (xia ku cao), and scrophularia (xuan shen) are very helpful in inflammation, congestion, and infections of the lymphatic system. Herbs such as citrus aurantium, kelp, epimedium, and Siberian ginseng, may be helpful in improving lazy metabolism in people with Lyme Disease who have signs or symptoms of an underactive thyroid.

Another feature of Lyme Disease is severe fatigue and exhaustion as well as a complete lack of energy. This can be caused by different factors. Proper oxygen uptake and blood circulation as well as decreased metabolism and body temperature are part of the picture. The adrenal glands may not function properly in humans. A person with Lyme disease may have a number of digestive problems that lead to malnutrition. The disease itself can cause chemical changes in the brain that cause great stress and the ability to concentrate, which also weakens.

In Chinese medicine, herbs that nourish qi and blood can help with this deficiency. Herbs can improve digestive function, support brain function, support the proper functioning of the adrenal glands, and improve a person's ability to cope with stress. They can also help the proper functioning of mitochondria in their production of ATP in cells, which aids human energy at a very basic level. Siberian ginseng, schizandra, licorice, and astragalus are all good herbs for improving a person's energy level, digestion, and ability to cope with stress. White peony, Dong Quai, and wolfberry reduce fatigue and nourish the blood. Polygonum and eucommia can help improve the response of the human glands and can improve brain function. Bupleurum, longan fruit, zyzyphus seeds, dragon bone, oyster shell, and magnolia bark can be helpful in depression, anxiety, lack of concentration, and sleep disorders experienced by people with Lyme Disease.

As you can see, Lyme Disease is a complex disease with many side effects. Chinese herbal medicine has many herbs in its pharmacopeia that can cure many different aspects of this disease in a comprehensive and complete way.


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